Contact Cliff

0.22 mi
(815) 955-7489
100 Kansas Street, Frankfort, IL 60423
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Here are some tips on how to contact Cliff, a dining establishment located at 100 Kansas Street, Frankfort, Illinois, 60423:

1. Phone: The most convenient and direct way to contact Cliff is by phone. Dial their number (provide the phone number if available) and speak to the staff to make reservations, inquire about their menu or any other service-related questions.

2. Email: If you prefer written communication, you can compose an email to their designated address (provide the email address if available). This allows you to convey specific details or requests in writing.

3. Website: Visit Cliff's official website (provide the website URL if available) to explore their menu, check operating hours, and gather information about their dine-in services. Most restaurants provide an online contact form through which you can send messages or inquiries.

4. Social Media: Many businesses, including restaurants, are active on various social media platforms. Look for Cliff's official accounts on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to connect with them, stay updated on their offerings, and possibly send them direct messages.

5. Visit in-person: If you prefer a face-to-face interaction, you can always visit Cliff directly at their location on 100 Kansas Street, Frankfort, Illinois, 60423. Approach their staff on-site, ask questions, and make reservations if necessary during their operating hours.

Remember, it's always advisable to provide specific contact details, such as phone numbers or email addresses, for the sake of accuracy and convenience.